Dear Candace,
There is an odd jumble of things I experienced this week, but I feel helpless in explaining them to you. I could talk about how, when asked by intelligent homeschooling moms, I couldn’t for the life of me recall which math book Caleb was in (Algebra? Pre-Algebra?), or what shoe size Drew required. Or there was the time I blindly drank out of my host’s cup at a dinner party, even after picking out my own vessel and beverage. She was very sweet and nice about it, not seeming to mind since we have shared food off each other’s plates before, but still. Drinking out of her straw was not the classiest thing I’ve done all week.
This has not been my classy week.
I discovered a lovely poem which you probably already have memorized, since you’re classy, but is new to me. When I read it aloud to Drew before his language arts lesson one day, he just looked at me stone-faced. He did not appear to appreciate my new favorite string of verses, or my passionate recitation. He is 10 and thinks farting is hilarious. I am 34 and drinking out of other adults’ cups. Suddenly we are sounding not so dissimilar. I digress-and here are the charming lines which somehow helped soothe all the oddities of this week:
Dear Rachel,
Since the only two poems I’ve read this week were The Tailor of Glou’ster and an original by my 11 year old which predominantly focuses on changing a poopy diaper, I’m pretty sure you get all the Classy Points this week. Even if you got all greedy over your hostesses cup.
Pinkies up!